Wednesday, February 22, 2006


So I only cried minimally today. My Mom told me that she is taking my Dad to Houston tomorrow to the heart specialist. He has been having problems and the doctors said his heart was enlarged. Not really sure what that means, but I am guessing its not good. So please keep him and my family in your prayers with that.
Tonight was such a nice distraction, I actually enjoyed myself. I FINALLY caught up with my girl Sarah whom I feel like I NEVER EVER see anymore. We hung out and caught up. Then we went to some friends house. We had such a good time. Just laughing and joking around, I felt so carefree. Why cant every day be like that? Why do we complicate things so much that we dont even enjoy life anymore? These are some friends that are definatly good to have around. Things are not complicated and everyone just enjoys each others company.

LOVE LIFE. Love the people around you. Love GOD. Nothing else really matters. God will take care of you, just be obedient. Stop making things complicated, just obey!
Well, i just had some more tears. My Bible study leader JUST emailed us that they had been chosen as foster parents for a 1 year old and 2 year old. HOW AMAZING. They had just gotten approved to be foster parents and how quickly God answered their prayers. The children have been taken from their mother for neglect. This is such an amazing opportunity the Hendrick family has to show the love of our great, amazing GOD! Please keep them in your prayers, that all goes well and they get to adopt the 2 kids and their 5 day old baby sister as well. The Hendrick family is so full of love and compassion. I know God will bless them, but this whole process can take a while and be really hard.
Hope that everyone is having a great week!

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