Wednesday, March 22, 2006


In my sociology class we talked about the McDonaldization of society. How we are people of convience and we want what we want when we want it. If you apply that to our spiritual walks more than likely you will see the same thing. We talk to our God only when we need something or have a desire. When we do take things to Him we expect immediate results. When things arent what we expected we get angry and wonder if God really loves us. We take things into our own hands cause we dont get the answer fast enought, or its not the answer we WANT. Yea. Thats pretty crappy of us huh. Maybe you dont ever do this, but I can't lie to you. I do it more often than I would like to admit. I am reading a new book and it seems as though it was written for me. Things I never thought about, but definatly do have been revealed to me. Idolatry is what this book is about. Why do we think we have to have certain things or people in our lives? What do they REALLY mean to us? How far are we willing to go to attain these things? Why are these desires so powerful? Ask yourself these questions. Sometimes we let these desires of our heart consume us and it becomes so strong that it totally messes up our thinking. I have realized that my desire to have godly relationships has become an idol in my life. Granted there is nothing wrong with wanting to surround myself with godly people, it is a blessing and a source of joy BUT it seems as though I have allowed this to take top priority in my life. When we make relationships conditional they are not of God. We cant expect people to bless us because we act a certian way, and we cant only love people when they act the way we would like. If we do the things and act the way we do because we are motivated by God's love then there is no problem. But so often we do them primarily to satisfy our own desires. Idols make us desperate to keep them. We sell ourselves to them, and we believe that the loss of them is an unbearable affliction - a curse even. We become isolated, desperate, sad, hopeless. This is where I have found myself. But there is hope! We can rest knowing Gods grace and mercy is avaliable to us.

Thursday, March 09, 2006


Satan has really deceived me in my relationships with other people. He has made me think that I have to get something in return since I give so freely to others. But God has really showed me that it is a LIE. He revealed to me in Matthew 5:38-42. " You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you". Wow! So God commands us to LOVE each other and expect NOTHING in return. Yet how selfish are we to think we DESERVE something! Afterall, we have already been given GRACE. Knowing that affects probably 90% of my relationships. I have let myself get so mad when people treated me badly. I didn't even know this was a sin. God has definatly continued to love me EVERY time I have put something or someone over Him, when I chose this world and its temporary pleasures over chosing Him. OUCH! How dare I think I can get mad when I am not someone else's priority! I have found it so humbling to take the mistreatment, remarks, and being overlooked. Sometimes things are NOT worth fighting over (as long as it is not a sin issue), I need to remember that. So many times I have got my feelings hurt and in the flesh acted out in unbiblical ways ... gossip, anger, bitterness to name a few! Being in the flesh is the key here, we cant allow ourselves to live in the flesh. This is where we are guaranteed to sin! So anyways this is just something that has been on my heart so there you have it! Hope everyone has an amazing Spring Break! Be careful wherever God takes you!

Monday, March 06, 2006


These last few weeks have been very hectic so I just wanted to let anyone out there reading this that I am still alive. And I could definatly use any prayers you guys wanna send my way. So much going on and lots of stress and anxiety! I will be updating soon, just have to make it thru 5:30 on Friday!!!