Thursday, February 22, 2007

Whats on your lips?

He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin.
~Proverbs 13:3
I was thinkin this morning about my tounge. Not casue I wanted to taste something, but about how it controls me instead of God controlling it!
How often do we put our tounges to good use? (our speech is building others up or giving praise and glory to God)??? Sure we may do it ever now and then. BUT if you are like me its usually the opposite! Sin creeps right in when I am with people ( friends, co-workers, family) and there are those awkard moments of silence. I open my mouth and it all goes downhill! I need to remember that if I can't add something benefical to the silence then I dont need to open my big mouth! I usually remember after its too late!
How fast I catch myself sharing secrets, talking about people just because everyone else is, or just saying something that isnt edifying or appropriate! How easily I slip right back into that sin that I have fought so hard to overcome when I am around certian people, when I get caught up in the way this world operates! God's warning in
Matthew 12:36 brings me face to face with the reality though. "I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken".

WOW! How much more powerful and realistic can it get? This is GODS promise to you and me! Please pray that I will stop filling the silences with me! I pray that the Lord will mold and reshape me and my attitudes. I desire to give Him my tounge and let Him put it use as He see's fit!


sdfs said...

update this blog missy! i need to hear your always get me thinking!

Whitney said...

mom, i've been learning the same thing recently! Psalm 141 is good too! love you!