Thursday, February 22, 2007

Whats on your lips?

He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin.
~Proverbs 13:3
I was thinkin this morning about my tounge. Not casue I wanted to taste something, but about how it controls me instead of God controlling it!
How often do we put our tounges to good use? (our speech is building others up or giving praise and glory to God)??? Sure we may do it ever now and then. BUT if you are like me its usually the opposite! Sin creeps right in when I am with people ( friends, co-workers, family) and there are those awkard moments of silence. I open my mouth and it all goes downhill! I need to remember that if I can't add something benefical to the silence then I dont need to open my big mouth! I usually remember after its too late!
How fast I catch myself sharing secrets, talking about people just because everyone else is, or just saying something that isnt edifying or appropriate! How easily I slip right back into that sin that I have fought so hard to overcome when I am around certian people, when I get caught up in the way this world operates! God's warning in
Matthew 12:36 brings me face to face with the reality though. "I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken".

WOW! How much more powerful and realistic can it get? This is GODS promise to you and me! Please pray that I will stop filling the silences with me! I pray that the Lord will mold and reshape me and my attitudes. I desire to give Him my tounge and let Him put it use as He see's fit!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

God's word is so good! I was reading in Matthew tonight. I was totally convicted right off the bat! Matthew 6:1 "Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.
If I am being completely honest and transparent here I do not always have pure, unselfish motives for serving others. Sometimes its because I want them to like me, sometimes its cause I want to be served in return, and sometimes I just want recognition! UGH! That is a pretty horrible sentence to admit! Now dont get me wrong I am not completely self motivated and self-involved! Sometimes I just serve because I enjoy it or I can feel God leading me to do it. But that other 1/2 the time is important as well. I can't serve God and my ego at the same time!
This is short and sweet and I know I already blogged once today but I felt like God laid this on my heart so I wanted to share!
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things". Philipians 4:8
It is so important that we keep our minds cleansed and pure. I know when I struggle with things its usually because I entertain thoughts in my mind. Whether it be a struggle with boys consuming my life, not gossiping, my bitterness ... to name a few, I know that I have set myself up for distruction! You HAVE to take each thought captive EVERY time it comes into your mind. I can almost always pinpoint where it all went wrong when I sin. I can reply the conversation in my mind of Satan's lies and know that I didn't take it to Jesus. I didn't quote scripture, I didn't call Satan out. I did let him in my mind and I did buy into his propaganda.
We have to turn our eyes and ears from this world when we are tempted! Its been helpful for me to have verses on notecards. I have some in my purse, my bookbag, my car. I keep them up at work where I am really tempted to sin! Just yesterday I had an instance where one of the ladies snapped at me, rudely and loud enough to draw attention to the situation, over a misunderstanding! It took everything in me to take it! I immediately pulled out my notecards and read Luke 6:29 "If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also".
As angry as I was, God's word calmed my heart so that I didn't react. Praise the Lord for letting me act in a godly way not a worldly way!

Saturday, February 17, 2007


So I FINALLY found out when I graduate! May 11th at 9 am WHOOP! Yea for seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!
I cant even begin to tell you how much my life has changed since I came to A&M in 2003. God has totally rocked my world! I got saved in 2004 which really was THE turning point in my life. Praise the Lord that I had 2 roommates who introduced me to Him! I changed majors, friends, and just the way I was living life! I have so many wonderful memories from my time here in Aggieland! So many friends who came in to my life for a season! I have lost touch with lots of them but they are forever in my heart! I can see now the reason God blessed me with their friendship in that specific time. But I have almost a totally new group of people around me now who are total godsends as well, mainly the amazing people at Living Hope and my wonderful Hope Group! God knows what we need when we need it and He is always faithful to provide ... in HIS time!
I have become so aware of the sin I was living in. I was a moral person who never knew the difference between morality and Christianity! I became so aware of my weakness and struggles! I fell deeper and deeper in love with my Savior!
Oh God can do amazing things in 4 years and He has done them in my life. Sometimes I am guily of overlooking His goodness and faithfulness in my own life. Sitting here remember where I was just 4 years ago, how much He has molded me and changed me, pursued me just gives me chills!
I am so super excited about what God has planned for me and my future! I cant wait to see how much more he molds and shapes me! I cant wait to see what struggles and addictions HE will set me free from, how many more friendships He will bless me with!
I just cant wait!!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Time after time you’ve been left behind
like the sun when it’s starting to rain
Time after time you’ve been forgotten
like a picture that’s faded with age
Time after time you ran after me
when I was still running away
Chorus: You never give up on me
No, You never give up on me
Though I’m weak you are strong
You told me I still belong
No, you never, never give up on me
Time after time I’ve used your grace
as a way to do what I please
I’ve taken for granted prayers that you answered
never been all I could be
You are holding out your hands
and now I clearly see
You always erase all my mistakes
You lift me up when I'm down
Through all the ages, Your love never changes
You welcome me just as I am
never give up, never give up on me...

This song gives me chills and convictions at the same time! What a beautiful reminder of Christ's love for us. How quick we are to forget about His love and provisions. How easy we let this world and our circumstances rob us of all God has to offer! YET how faitful is He to always take us back, always pick us up, continue to pursue, as long as we will search for him! Deuteronomy 4:29 But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.
God promises to not leave us! How great is that! Talk about real love! And we don't need Valentine's Day to make us feel loved! We are loved and blessed by God everday! Just take a look around... the relationships and friendships God has given you, the beautiful trees, flowers, birds, sky ... God made these for us to enjoy!
How can people see things like that and not believe, not feel blessed! Its so convicting for me to remember this on a daily basis! GOD loves me! ME! Even if I feel like no one else does I can REST in knowing that HE does!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Whew what a ride life has taken me on lately. I know they ups and downs are because of my lack of trust and faith and the fact that I have made my God so little in my own life. I have been guilty of asking small things and thus being unsatisfied. I am fearful of so many things, sadly God hasn't been one them. I have grown stagnant, lukewarm, indifferent. Revelation 3:16 says "So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth". Wow my apathy makes God want to throw up! If thats not convicting then I don't know what is. Its so powerful when you look at your own life and realize that you are lukewarm. Im not helping anyone by being this way. God says he would rather me be cold than lukewarm. I have been saved by Him, yet I don't live like He sent His son to die for me. Little problems turn into drama, hurt feelings turn into a pity party, and lonliness leads to depression.
Its not fun when we realize how much we let our cicrumstances control us... how easily WE can give into this world. One thing I have really noticed that Satan is using in my life is country music. Now I am not saying that country music is sinful. BUT I am the kinda girl who can't listen to those lovey dovey songs without my mind wandering and desiring what those songs offer. I hadn't listened to country music for a few months, until just recently. Now love (the worldly boy/girl kind) is constantly consuming my mind. Just like any kind of struggle you have, you have to realize your weakness and not put your self into situations that make you vulnerable. This is a weakness so its really dangerous for me to think I can handle it. Do I like country music ... heck yes, but I love God more. As much as it stinks, its really not that much of a sacrafice compared to what He sacraficed for me ... and you! This may sound really dumb to you, but it makes sense to me! Its just like if sex is a weakness, dont be alone with the opposite sex. If gossiping is a struggle, don't surround yourself with people who tend to talk about people . No matter how strong you think you are SATAN will do everything to tempt you.