Friday, January 27, 2006

I love Spring

Well it's Friday! YEA. I just love the Spring Semester! So many activities and things going on, the weather is amazing, Spring Break, Easter, baseball games; so much fun. I have a bad habit of becoming so consumed with my schedule that I don't really take the time to just stop and be amazed by all that God has created. WOW. He is so good and how often I get caught up in the stress and my own world and just forget.
Last night was the first night of Hope Group. The people there are all really nice. But it’s a little intimidating because of all the knowledge these people possess. I just have to remind myself that I am who I am and that God made me this way for his purpose. I’m really tryin to open myself up more to people. I REALLY LOVE loving on other people and encouraging them. But I seem to always shut myself off to them. I don't let people into my comfort zone. I think I am almost afraid to let anything good happen to me; if that makes any sense. I don't like for them to see the "real" me. God is just really workin on my heart about this. I know that I need to share my fears, and sins, and what I have overcome. Luke 8:39 instructs us to "return home and tell how much God has done for you". That is very convicting to me because I know I can talk all day about just about anything but how often do I PRAISE God to other people?!? Ouch. So I have decided to start small; I am going to try my best to open up more with people in my sphere of influence. I am involved in many relationships where I have the support and possibility to open up, such as Hope Group, Covenant Group, my bible study class, study groups. I have been on deck for long enough; God has called me to step up to the plate. So please ask me REAL questions, push me to be more, help me grow and I will do the same for you. Have a great weekend!

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