Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Getting it Right!

This is all kinda new to me. I always said that I would NEVER make one of these blog things. But I couldn't sleep tonight so I decided at 6:15 I wasn't gonna get any sleep so I wanted to journal. After writing in my private journal I just thought maybe I should share my life with anyone out there who will be semi-interested. I will prolly NOT be good at this. I have a hard time expressing myself and don't really like people to know what’s going on in this head of mine. But I will give it a try!!! I have just started "The Excellent Wife" bible study at church. I think this is gonna spark a great time of learning and giving and growing. The girls in my class just seem so real and to have a sincere desire and love for Jesus Christ. I think this will be an emotional class, but in a good way. So many girls have already opened up and I can really relate to them, I just didn't have the guts to say it. I hope to grow closer to God through this. A major benefit of this class is getting a mentor. It is clear in scripture that older women are to be teaching the younger ones. I’m really excited about this! Hopefully I will build the confidence to do my part and mentor to the girls who are younger than me (youth age). But, I have defiantly been drifting from Him and its time for me to get REAL. God has really been showing me areas of my life that need to change. And tonight at Breakaway Ben said that truly walkin with God will COST. But I am ready to pay the price. Things are going to need to be reprioritized, some friendships that aren't healthy are going to have to be cut off, and I am going to have to give up some habits of mine. It's really scary but I am ready! I don't want this world anymore or the things it has to offer. I put my complete faith and trust into Him and I know things will work out for me. I have been reading through 1 John the last few nights. WOW. Sometimes we get so wrapped up and forget what this life is about and why we are here. So as the new semester gets going and everyone gets caught up in the busyness that life brings just remember to take some time for Him.

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