Thursday, November 29, 2007

The holiday season is upon us! So fast! AUGH! It seems like it was just this time last year. Where does it go? Have I really been graduated for 6 months? Am I really almost 25? What has happened to my life? I had dinner with two friends ... one last night and one the night before! Friends who I used to be INSEPARABLE from. That was FOUR years ago! CRAZY! We talked about the good old days! And how we took that time for granted. How we wished we would have taken the time to enjoy and really treasured each and every moment we had. We had no idea that it would go so fast... that we would drift ... that life would take us on separate paths so soon.
Life is like that you know. I have so many relationships that have just changed over time! I mean we talk on the phone and email or facebook ... but its not the same! Its not being roommates and neighbors and best friends!!! Its not being able to stay up all night with each other just watching tv, its not knowing everything (whether you want to or not ... ha) about that person's life, it's not making crazy trips, and doing crazy things! Its a different kind of friendship. I miss those kind of relationships. We reminisced and laughed and got teary eyed.
Makes me realize how precious life is. How valuable time is ... which reminds me ... people are dying everyday! People are going to HELL everyday! People in my own family dont know the Lord! People I love don't know Jesus. People I work with don't know Him. People I come in contact with on a daily basis at work ... don't know the Saviour! I can't waste time!I can't live in the past, I have great memories to keep with me, but I have to keep going forward with the plan God has laid out for me.


sdfs said...

So true, even we don't see each other as much anymore! :( Sad day, lets fix that.

I don't want to take time for granted.

Unknown said...

Karen... I love you and I love our friendship!! I am so blessed by you and seriously do not know what I would do without you! I love spending time with you and being silly with you! ... but you are so right... we have people all around us every day that are dying because we dont have the time to reach out to them and tell them about our amazing savior... Shame on us!
I would love nothing more than to just hang out with you and do our silly things and take fun random trips and laugh and enjoy life just like that... but the reality is... we have to do life, so that in life we can share HIM!! Man... I was reading Heather's blog today about ministry and was so convicted because I know the Lord has been trying to teach me that ministry is a full time thing... not just something you do and then turn off to go back to your fun, happy, carefree, safe life... NO!!
So anyway, I love your post and I love you and I want us to love others more too! :)
GO LIFE!! GO GOD!! GO MINISTRY-all the time,in whatever He has us in!! haha

Karen said...

My friend recently stumbled across your blog and we were amazed that, not only do we have very similar blog names (and, I assume, the same first name), we look remarkably alike as well!

I invite you to visit my blog at:

or e-mail me at:

I am from Saskatoon, SK CANADA.