Sunday, April 23, 2006

Wow! Its been a while. Hmm I guess I just got to busy to take the time and sit and write. Although to my defense I did sit and write one on Friday but accidently erased it while editing. Anyways, its that time of the semester we all love. Suckin it up to make it thru the last week so we can take our finals. The closing of this semester is bittersweet for several reasons. I just cant believe how fast it goes. Lots of things coming to an end. We are actually grown ups. Scary huh? Well I am very thankful for my job at Transportation Services. God really blessed me with some amazing, godly women as my coworkers. It is such an encouragment to work with them. We are all so different but are constantly pushing each other to be better whether it be thru talking or just watching how they handle themselves. God is just totally at work in their hearts and it pushes me to want to be better too! I have really come to term with the fact that I have lots of friends. But I dont really have a whole lot of people who inspire me because of God in their lives. I am slowly starting to connect with other believers in my church. Its very humbling to be around these AMAZING people. They arent shy about their faith, they arent too proud to tell you they struggle, and they are just SO loving! They definatly convict me when I try to pretend I have it all under control. Hmm. Funny I never really knew how much I needed, wanted, desired to have control. Im coping with the fact that I am not supposed to! Im finally learning to pry my fingers off my life, my sin, the people who I think I can save! Its getting easier to trust God. Dont get me wrong I still STRUGGLE with it, but it gets easier the more and more I do it. I have been keeping a bitterness log and writing all the times I get angry or bitter. WOW. Sometimes you dont even realize that it is second nature till you start keeping up with it. It has been a good experience. I am makin myslef go back a few days after each entry and write why I acted the way I did. Hopefully soon I will see a decline in the number of entries. For now I am tryin to take captive EVERY thought. I am just trusting God that He will free me from this nasty, ugly sin in my life. I know He has big plans for me and I cant possibly carry out Gods will if I am too busy being mad and bitter about the past or what other people did or didnt do for me. Its so stupid. But I know God will work it all out for HIS glory. So thats about it! Hope everyone has a great week and gets plenty of rest for FINALS!

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